Organization Overview
Industrial companies are increasingly connecting their shop floor and systems to boost efficiency. But they have to rely on traditional IT equipment built for banks and data centers — which slows them down and exposes them to misconfiguration risks and cyberattacks.
Trout builds equipment specifically for manufacturing companies with small IT teams (1-5 people) to provide:
1. pre-configured, plug and play solution to achieve ISO27001 & CMMC compliance
2. secures and connects both existing and new systems.
Trout hardware are manufactured in the Hudson Valley and trusted by dozen of customers across the US and Europe.
Trout builds equipment specifically for manufacturing companies with small IT teams (1-5 people) to provide:
1. pre-configured, plug and play solution to achieve ISO27001 & CMMC compliance
2. secures and connects both existing and new systems.
Trout hardware are manufactured in the Hudson Valley and trusted by dozen of customers across the US and Europe.

Florian Doumenc
Shane Irwin
Marketing Lead

Products & Services
Information Technology, Security Services