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US Leading economic indicators and global PMI fall, COVID Israel & Ukraine updates, Speaker election begins anew, mortgage rates rise and home sales...

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China GDP rises, housing starts rise, COVID Israel & Ukraine updates, Speaker battle, UAW strike changing buying patterns, mortgage rates and bond...

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Industrial production improves, home builder sentiment falls, retail sales rise, COVID Israel & Ukraine updates, Speaker battle, UAW strike costs...

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NY Fed factory index declines, CEO pesimism, Fastenal survey, COVID Israel & Ukraine updates, Speaker battle, home sales slow, China chip access,...

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UAW strike related layoffs mount, CPI bumps higher, wage gains and inflation, COVID Israel & Ukraine updates, no Speaker in sight, gas stove ban...

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IMF global forecast, PPI = 2.2%, wage plans, COVID Israel & Ukraine updates, Speaker battle, machine tool orders, UAW strike, EU/US steel deal,...

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Small business optimism, COVID, Israel & Ukraine updates, more UAW strike layoffs, Mfg construction rises, inside the jobs numbers, speaker election...

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War in Israel impacts, COVID & Ukraine updates, US Mfg jobs by the numbers, oil prices, defense stocks jump, weak peak season for shipping...

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First Lady opens DCC Lab, Sept. jobs numbers rise, trade deficit narrows, factoryorders rise, COVID & Ukraine updates, US rushes to support Israel,...

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Mfg Job Openeings Rise, UAW Stike Impacts, Service Sector Slows, COVID & Ukraine updates, What Now in the House?, NY Migrant Job Portal,...

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Job Openeings Rise in August - Quits Fall, Mfg Consturction Rises, Trade Rules Flaunted, COVID & Ukraine updates, PFAS Rules Will be a Challenge,...

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ISM: Mfg contraction continues, trade deficit narrows, personal income rises, COVID & Ukraine updates, UAW stike hits NYS, Nobel Price for mRNA...

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