Inflation, CEP Pessimism, COVID and Ukraine updates, how SVB failed, HV employment numbers, NYS budget negotiations, EPA forever chemicals regs,...
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Daily Member Briefing - News, Resources and Information for Hudson Valley Manufacturers
Mfg average work week and wages drop, Bond prices drop dramatically, COVID and Ukraine Updates, US and Chinese supply chain as Xi confirmed to 3...
Read PostLots about jobs and payrolls NYS & US COVID numbers show good progress, pay tranparency, US - Mexico relations strained, Bidens taxes, EU US...
Read PostJob opening & quits decline, Powell tesifies, trade defecit widens, COVID and Ukraine Updates, apprenticeship renaissance, wooing women, yeild...
Read PostSupply chains normalize, Powell's hawkish testimony, the recession is always 6 months out, COVID and Ukraine Updates, clean hydrogen, car sales...
Read PostInterest rates hit manufacturing as output falls, but construction spending in the sector rises. COVID and Ukraine Updates, Biden budget, UAW...
Read PostUS Mfg PMI a Mixed Bag, Zelenskyy addresses NAM, NYS & US COVID numbers show good progress, China economy news, cybersecurity strategy, EU PMI,...
Read PostThe Trade gap widens, child care and the Chips Act, COVID and Ukraine Updates, China lab leak reaction, recessiona nd inflatin reactions miners...
Read PostDurable goods orders fall, Yellen talks defecit and Riamondo talks Chips act, COVID and Ukraine Updates, Long COVID, China lab leak reaction, Brexit...
Read PostInflation rises in US and Europe and Q4 GDP revised lower, NYS & US COVID numbers show good progress, lab leak theory, labor market resilient,...
Read PostFed minutes, the state of manufacturing, supply chains untangle and become less global, COVID and Ukraine Updates, UK criticizes US IRA, credit card...
Read PostBusiness activity in the US - UK - and EU rises unexpectedly while construction in the US Slows, COVID and Ukraine updates, CFOs are pessimistic,...
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