Daily Briefing

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Mfg output falls and CEOs see tighter credit, Ukraine and COVID Updates, NY budget talks and sexual harassment policy, debt ceiling statemate,...

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Empire State Mfg Survey shows expansion for the first time in 5 months, G-7 meets in Japan, COVID & Ukraine Updates, nuclear power in Europe,...

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PPI cools to 2.7%, US factory production cools and consumer spending falls COVID & Ukraine Updates, no NYS budget yet, Chinese exports, Jobless...

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CPI = 5%, IMF on China/US tensions, Fed minutes, COVID & Ukraine Updates, DEI consultant use declines, constricted worker supply, EPA boosts EVs but...

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IMF cuts global forecast, US defecit hits record, Ukraine and COVID Updates, NY budget talks and sexual harassment policy update, teens in the...

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IMF and World Bank meet, Mfg hiring slowed, labor force participation rose, COVID & Ukraine Updates, Airbus and Tesla in China, workers take...

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Labor market cools, NFIB survey highlights skills gap, COVID & Ukraine Updates, NY sues over congressional districts, head spinning budget talks,...

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U.S. MFG PMI rises along with trade deficit, servie sector slows, Ukraine and COVID Updates, where Americans moved in 2022, budget limbo in albany,...

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Job opeinings fall overall and in Mfg., COVID and Ukraine updates, CEO optimism, budget talks, important change proposed to CLCPA, Dimon on banking...

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ISM PMI weak, World Bank warns, NAM Q1 outlook survey, COVID and Ukraine Updates, debt ceiling, Labor Secretary nominee, Wall St. bonuses fall, NYS...

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PCE still high, small business and consumer confidence, COVID & Ukraine Updates, fianl Q4 GDP = 2.6%, what's driving low labor force participation?...

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Exports fall, debt ceiling, supply shrtages, COVID and Ukraine updates, Port labor talks, bruising state budget battle, Amercan's IQ, AI and...

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