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Empire Mfg Survey, Fitch cautions on banks, consumer spending slows, COVID & Ukraine updates, Updates on the Chinese economy, NYS redistricting...

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Reaping the reshoring benefits, China's economic struggles and their effects, COVID & Ukraine updates, Biden and the UAW, supply chain hangover, UK...

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PPI rises more than expected, world trade is realigning, interest high in CHIPs funding, COVID & Ukraine updates, budget fight underway, FAA's NYC...

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CPI forecasts, deflation in China, COVID & Ukraine updates, US debt burden, consumer credit card debt record, wind industry setbacks, UPS forecast,...

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Trade deficit narrows, China exports fall, COVID & Ukraine updates, CEO optimism, Timmons on regulation "onslaught," Mississippi water levels, Mfg...

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Mfg labor productivity, worforce policy changes needed, COVID & Ukraine updates, AI - a history lesson, consumer credit rises, the inflation...

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Fewer jobs, higher wages, soft landing?, COVID & Ukraine updates, food inflations falls, workforce policy, NYS falling short on climate, BOE raises...

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JOLTS numbers, US credit downgrade, Fortune 500 Global, COVID & Ukraine updates, China's economy, cyber disclosure rules, burned out or just...

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Mfg activity contracts, new nukes in Georgia, COVID & Ukraine updates, heat and productivity, CHIP sanctions benig to bite, banks toughen loan...

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Manufacturing jobs, China mfg contracts, CHIPs Act process, COVID & Ukraine updates, steel output flat, inside the Q2 GDP numbers, Eurozone economy,...

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GDP rises as inflation eases, COVID & Ukraine updates, new fuel economy standards, new water heater standards, new budget director, ECB raises...

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Fed raises rates, Biden's mfg policy at odds with climate goals, home prices, COVID & Ukraine updates, NYS redistricting case, Rhine runs drier,...

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